Saturday, December 03, 2005


"I think it's ironic where we go to public places like nightclubs when we are looking for some comfort...some sex. However, I think when we are alone is when we think most of sex. Our fantasies seem to come alive when we are alone. Pity how sometimes these fantasies are so much more exciting than being intimate with the kind of people one meets in the real world. Not many games when you're by yourself. You know just what you you want it...and just where you want it. There are no questions, no fear. Unless that fear be that nobody else in the real world will ever connect even part-way with what you truly desire. It was good though...was it not?"

I wrote the above for the blog of a woman who talked of how she was alone at work and was so horny that she had to relieve herself. I could't post it at her blog. Some kind of glitch I suppose. But it was on the clipboard and I was committed to post it somewhere. Speaks the truth I believe.