Monday, July 03, 2006


Of course he was shocked when he stumbled upon the file in his girlfriend's computer. His live in girlfriend was everything he had ever dreamed of. Smart, beautiful, outgoing...but he never figured kinky.

So she left for work that morning having forgotten to log off her computer. It started as him wanting to go on the internet to check his bank account. Innocent enough...but curiosity took over. He found a file where logs of instant message conversations were stored. First he was shocked then intrigued as he read some of the conversations. They were mostly with one particular screen name revolving around bondage roleplay.

They had been going out for months and she moved in with him about five weeks ago. Oddly he was not all that much upset that she was having these erotic conversations with an internet stranger, but he was perplexed that she had not relayed her attraction to bondage sex to him.

He read some of the conversations she saved. First to get a feel for what she craved....later because it arroused him. When she got home from work he decided to come through with a tongue in cheek promise he had given her. That was for one day to have a candlelit dinner waiting for her. It's just that desert may be a bit of a surprise for her.

The mood was set. A wonderful dinner was had. A bottle of wine was well tapped into. He made a move toward her and shortly were in the bedroom.
Except this time where he would ordinarily be closing in for the kill he said, "lets play a game". The stories he read all afternoon taught him a lot. From the way her body purred...he was a good student.

So it was to be that a few weeks later she went off to work and again her computer was still logged on. He could not resist and dived into her computer to see if there were any more entries in her..."library". There was one new entry. However, all the other entries had been deleted. His heart jumped because she named the file in a way that requested him by name to open it.
The smiling busted hacker opened the file and in it read, "My love...I'm so glad you found my secret. Now you are the only skeleton allowed in my closet."